Friday, May 13, 2011

"The Slave Ship" or "Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhoon coming on"

J.M.W. Turner

*Argument: What are the consequences of seeing the effects of slavery on the abolition campaign?  Seeing the effects of slavery increases the number of those recruited to the abolition campaign because seeing the effects of slavery increases the guilt/compassion people have.

*Audience: British citizens who don't know what's happening in the slave trade/those Joseph Turner wants to help in the abolition effort.

*Goal: to influence people to join the abolition campaign.

*Pathos: Because of the bodies of slaves and animals lying in the water dark colors, raging waves, and storm approaching on the left side of the painting, an ominous picture is painted that appeals to the viewer's fear and sadness. It also appeals to their sense of guilt because of all the death in the painting.

*Logos: This painting seems to say that it's logical to help stop slavery if people are being thrown off ships. If people are dying, someone needs to help them.

*Sufficient: The painting is not sufficient, unless the person viewing it is looking for detail due to the closeness the style is to impressionism.  The dead bodies in the foreground of the painting are hard to see unless one is looking really closely.  But the colors are sufficient in creating a gloomy mood.

*Accurate-  The actual event that this painting is based off of is when a captain of a ship  found out that his insurance only covered slaves lost at sea, so he threw them overboard.  It is not necessarily accurate to show that there was an intense storm approaching or that the sun was in the background during this event, but it adds to the effect and the pathos that Joseph Turner was trying to create.

*Effective- This is effective in motivating people to join in the abolition effort if they were paying attention to the fine details and the colors created in the painting. 

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